Home > .NET > Processing Command Line Arguments in an Offline ClickOnce Application

Processing Command Line Arguments in an Offline ClickOnce Application

June 23, 2010

Several years ago when ClickOnce first emerged I thought it was a great idea.  Unfortunately at the time, I found it so difficult and tedious that I didn’t play with it for long.  My buddy Stuart was at my office recently and I was lamenting some distribution issues I was having with one of our WPF apps. 

One of our deployed apps changes frequently, and I don’t send out updates as often as I should because our users environments typical limit their install rights (not to mention many of them don’t even have IT staffs).  This means they rarely have the latest and greatest because it can be a serious ordeal to deploy the changes.  Stuart brought up ClickOnce, and the discussion quickly came to the question “what happens when the user doesn’t have administrator rights?”  Naturally, we had to put this to the test!

What I love about ClickOnce

I love how easy it is to setup and use – We spent about an hour playing with ClickOnce and I was amazed to find how far the tooling has come since I last checked it out.  The setup is pretty straight forward, so I’m not going to cover that right now.  If you specifically want me to write a post or do a video about it, respond in the comments below.

I love the control that I have – The options are pretty sophisticated: you can make an application available online only or online and offline.  When you make one available offline it creates a Start Menu option for you.  You can select Prerequisites, like the .NET Framework version, and where to download them if they aren’t present at install time. NOTE: Some caveats may apply to that, like needing administrator rights to install the Framework.

I love Automatic Updates – You can configure the application to automatically check for updates, the exact feature I needed.  You can configure when to check for updates, how often, etc.  You can even configure it NOT to check for updates.  I set mine to check for updates every time the application starts, which will prompt the user to install the new version before the software executes.

I love that users without administrator rights can install apps – This is a huge win for us.  We did a little testing and found that a user without Administrator rights can install these applications.  I presume this is because they operate in some kind of a sandbox, but I don’t actually know.  Pssst: if this is a bug, please don’t tell Microsoft – I love this feature!

Again, I was struck by how easy all this was to setup and configure, and once again I’m beating myself up for all the time I spent NOT using a supplied feature.

What I don’t love about ClickOnce

So far I have discovered two things I don’t like about ClickOnce: the first is that while I can easily create a desktop shortcut, I don’t seem to have any control over the Icon that gets displayed.  Even more strange is that the icon that is being displayed is a Blend icon of some sort.  It seems to me that this would be a pretty common requirement, so I’m surprised there isn’t a readily apparent way to assign an icon.

But far worse than that is the fact that conventional wisdom says that ClickOnce applications can’t handle command line arguments.  This was a deal breaker for me: virtually all of our desktop apps need to be executed from AS/400 sessions.  These sessions pass arguments into the applications via the command line, and losing that capability would negate most of the value of the software.  While I’m sure I’ll figure out the Icon issue, the command line arguments problem needed addressing immediately.

Command Line Arguments

So it is not entirely true that ClickOnce applications can’t handle command line arguments, but until .NET 3.5 SP1, they could only handle them as query string parameters.  This underscores the fact that ClickOnce is a heavily network dependent technology.  You may get an application that installs on your machine with a Desktop Shortcut, but this is still a network deployed application, and as such it relies on some URI scheming.  For me, this isn’t going to help much, so what I was after was the ability to pass in arguments in offline mode using a more traditional approach, like C:\> MyApp.exe arg1 arg2 arg3

I want to get to the nitty gritty of the blog post, so I won’t go into all the details, but here are a few things you need to know:

  • You have no idea where the app is actually installed.  If you do manage to find it, it will have a user-unfriendly name
  • The Shortcut name is the same as the “Product Name” field in the Publish Options Description in the ClickOnce configuration
  • The Shortcut on the Desktop has a special extension: .appref-ms
  • The easiest way to execute the application from the command line is like so: C:\> %userprofile%\Desktop\AppName.appref-ms
  • If your “Product Name” has spaces, you will need to wrap that in double quotes: C:\> “%userprofile%\Desktop\My App Name.appref-ms”

What would be perfect is if I could just append the Command Line Arguments to the end of that call, so it would look like this: C:\> “%userprofile%\Desktop\My App Name.appref-ms” arg1 arg2 arg3

Try it out, though, and you’ll quickly find that this does nothing: the standard args string array is empty.

Not A New Problem

Naturally I hit the Interwebs in search of a solution, I mean, it has to be out there, right?  I was quickly discouraged though to find hundreds of references all saying the same thing: you cannot pass command line arguments to an offline ClickOnce application.

Go ahead, go search for yourself, I’ll wait.

See what I mean?  The question has been asked a million times all with a resounding NO as the answer.  I was about to give up when I spotted something that gave me hope.  An article on MSDN entitled How to: Retrieve Query String Information in an Online ClickOnce Application has a note block with the following text:

Starting in .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, it is possible to pass command-line arguments to an offline ClickOnce application. If you want to supply arguments to the application, you can pass in parameters to the shortcut file with the .APPREF-MS extension.

That sounds like exactly what I want!  Problem is, I’ve already tried that and it doesn’t work.  And naturally, there is no related article on MSDN telling me how to do it, just that it can be done.  Finally, something to give me a little hope!

Finally, I hit the mother lode: an article by RobinDotNet explaining How to pass arguments to an offline ClickOnce application.  Robin’s blog is all about ClickOnce, and interestingly enough I found plenty of earlier posts and forum entries by Robin stating this couldn’t be done, even as late as January 2010, long after .NET 3.5 SP1 was released.  I’m not criticizing, but I am pointing out that even to those “in the know” it would appear this is a non-documented feature.

A Simple Solution

So I read through RobinDotNet’s post and it seemed like a lot of stinking work, and I try to avoid that as much as possible!  She explains a bunch of stuff I didn’t need, like how to locate the shortcut using SpecialFolders, and ho
w to programmatically execute the application.  She even discusses how to create and pass the arguments.  Good stuff, but overkill for me.

There is one key line of code I found in her post that was exactly what I needed:

//Get the ActivationArguments from the SetupInformation property of the domain.
string[] activationData =

What I found is that this will return the arguments provided on the command line.  Well, sort of …

From the code above you can see that ActivationData is a string[].  At first, I assumed I would be able to simply replace the old e.Args with this value, but I found that only the first argument is available in ActivationData.  I don’t know why this is, and it doesn’t make sense, but all my testing proved this out.

To solve this, I changed the way the arguments are passed in by making them comma delimited.  It doesn’t seem to matter what delimiter you use, as long as it isn’t a space.  Then, I parse ActivationData[0] using Split.  In the code sample below, I am also checking to see if this is a ClickOnce application and checking for NULL, the default value of ActivationData if no arguments are passed.

string[] args = null;
if (ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed)
    var inputArgs = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ActivationArguments.ActivationData;
    if (inputArgs != null && inputArgs.Length > 0)
        args = inputArgs[0].Split(new char[] { ',' });
    args = e.Args;

I assume if I wanted I could still deploy this with a traditional MSI, so doing it this way supports compatibility with a traditional command line execution. In this case, I am parsing it to build another string[] because I have existing code that works with Command Line Arguments.  This example is executing inside my WPF application’s App.xaml.cs file’s Application_Startup event handler.

Getting it to work in .NET 3.5 SP1

In order to get the code above to compile, you will need to add a reference to System.Deployment.Application, which is in System.Deployment.dll.  If you are coding against .NET 4.0, this DLL is available in the “Add Reference -> .NET” dialog.  When I tried to add the reference to an existing .NET 3.5 application, the DLL was not available in the list.  I thought this was a little strange, since the documentation claims it is supported as far back as 2.0.

I did a little digging and found the DLL location.  I was then able to Browse for the DLL and add a reference to it manually and everything seems to work:


The Results

The results are just what the doctor ordered: I can now call my application from the command line and pass it arguments like so: C:\> “%userprofile%\Desktop\My App Name.appref-ms” arg1,arg2,arg3

It’s not perfect, but it is easy.  The biggest change is sending all the arguments as a single string, but that is easily handled.  Now if I can just figure out that Icon …

Categories: .NET
  1. Matt
    June 24, 2010 at 5:10 pm

    I use ClickOnce to deploy my app and if you’re using the “Publish” option in Visual Studio it uses the application icon for your app as the desktop shortcut icon. If you’re creating the manifests by hand then you can include an icon file and mark it as “App Icon”.

  2. June 28, 2010 at 11:53 am

    Thanks Matt! Of course that’s it! I’ve been so used to setting up the shortcut in the Installer that I didn’t even think about the Application Icon setting…

  3. Konstantine
    October 27, 2010 at 12:13 pm

    Thanks Joel, was struggling for several days already trying to pass arguments to offline Clickonce. If not Robin’s/your articles – who knows how much more would it take….

  4. Jeff
    November 9, 2010 at 11:11 am

    How do you bypass the userprompt when there is an update to the application and you’re trying to launch it from the CLI?

    • November 9, 2010 at 6:30 pm

      I’m not sure you can bypass the prompt: if you have the app configured to automatically check before execution it’s going to fire regardless.

      I think you would need to turn off automatic updates and check for them programmatically:

      This would allow you to code around the update check as needed.

  5. bmiller
    November 13, 2010 at 12:06 am

    Awesome post! We have a requirement to run multiple instances of our off-line clickonce app. The method we currently use to tell each instance how to configure itself totally sucks. This will be a big improvement.

  6. fjames
    March 6, 2011 at 9:12 pm

    I have been searching the net for a couple of days for a solution to this problem. Thanks for the save. It works great!

  7. cubaman
    April 11, 2011 at 7:25 am

    Awesome post, it saved my day!
    About the icon, if you set the icon of your exe in project properties, this will be the one shown in your shortcut.
    Best regards.

  8. John C. Lieurance, MS
    April 21, 2011 at 3:34 pm

    Thank you very much for this information. Took me 6 hours to find it after reading the MSDN docs stating that passing parameters was possible lol.

    Here’s the code I used, which didn’t require a reference the DLL in VS2010.

    using System.Deployment.Application;

    private string[] startUpParams()
    //if we’re running in network mode (click-once)
    if (ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed)
    //return network passed parameters. NOTE! Only one parameter is available using this method.
    return AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ActivationArguments.ActivationData;

    //return the command line arguments.
    return Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();


  9. kriebie
    May 10, 2011 at 6:53 am

    I found out you can actually use a space as a delimiter, simply replace

    C:\> “%userprofile%\Desktop\My App Name.appref-ms”


    C:\> “%userprofile%\Desktop\My App Name.appref-ms” “arg1 arg2 arg3”

    The trick is the additional double quotes.
    The argument string will now contain all arguments including the spaces, you still have to split it yourself though.

  10. JD
    February 14, 2012 at 12:12 pm

    Thanks, worked well!

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