
Archive for December, 2010

Announcing BlendSIG

December 10, 2010 Comments off

About BlendSIG

I am happy today to officially announce and launch BlendSIG,  a Virtual Blend Special Interest Group.  Inspired by LiDNUG (the LinkedIn .NET User Group) BlendSIG meetings are held online during working hours using LiveMeeting.  We hope that this will allow people from all over the world to join in and learn more about Blend. 

We will host monthly meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 2pm EST.  These meetings will be LiveMeeting screen casts.  Guests and presenters will be Blend professionals, such as members of the Microsoft Blend team, Blend MVPs, authors, and other knowledgeable parties.

Join the BlendSIG Group at Members of this group will receive notifications of events and interact with each other through the mailing list.  We also would like to encourage members to suggest topics and speakers.  Please join today!

You can also follow BlendSIG on Twitter: @blendsig.

The Inaugural Meeting

Our first meeting will be January 12, 2011, and I am happy to announce that Dante Gagne, Blend PM, will be our inaugural speaker.  Dante will be presenting on Behaviors and I’m really looking forward to it!

Registration for the January meeting is now live and available at

Please share this information with your user groups, companies, and interested parties.  I think together we could make this a rousing success!

Categories: .NET