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Philly Code Camp 2011.1

April 11, 2011

As I come to work this morning I recognize all the signs that Spring is officially upon us: I did not wear a jacket to work this morning, The Masters is over, and this weekend was the first installment of Philly Code Camp 2011.  While I sacrificed being able to watch The Masters live to attend Code Camp this weekend, I was able to see it all thanks to the magic of DVR.

As always, Philly Code Camp was fantastic: the Philly team is constantly setting the bar higher and higher and this time was no exception.  I can only imagine the logistical nightmare of organizing and executing a code camp with almost 600 attendees, but these guys pull it off with flying colors!

Have you never been to a code camp? Are you wondering what all the fuss is about?  Check out this video posted on YouTube asking folks why they attend.  Then, get off your duff and find one close to you and sign up!

Practical MVVM

I had a full house for my session “Practical MVVM” and I truly appreciate the attendees: thanks for the nice notes and comments, if it helped you then it was all worthwhile.  If you saw it, please post a review at SpeakerWiki.  And remember you can download the Artifacts at http://practicalmvvm.com.

Categories: .NET